4 min read

Cultivating Wellbeing: Gardening for Health

WLLW delves into the science behind the positive health impacts of gardening, explores its role in strengthening community bonds and provides practical tips for those looking to cultivate their own garden sanctuary.

Red Hook Stoop and Garden in Brooklyn NY with perrenials, annuals and edibles. Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Grange
Create mini herb gardens. Photo courtesy of Westend61/Getty Images
Long Island Rooftop, NY grows perrenials, annuals and vegetables. Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Grange

“I cannot say exactly how nature exerts its calming and organizing effects on our brains, but I have seen in my patients the restorative and healing powers of nature and gardens, even for those who are deeply disabled neurologically. In many cases, gardens and nature are more powerful than any medication.”

Oliver Sacks, neurologist and author

City Lights green room amenity space growing native perennials, serves neighboring tenants. Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Grange
Smile Farms is a non-profit organization with four locations across NY creating work and support in gardening for adults with developmental disabilities. Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Grange
Growing vegetables on a New York City rooftop. Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Grange
Oakland Avenue Urban Farm with Detroit Black Community Sovereignty Network. Photo courtesy of Oakland Avenue Urban Farm
The Ron Finley Project in LA gardening and growing vegetables in South Central. Photo courtesy of The Ron Finley Project
Containers of various shapes and sizes can create interest in smaller urban gardens. Photo courtesy of Margaret Roach