3 min read

The Best Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Being surrounded by greenery does wonders for our physical and mental health – certain species can even purify the air in our homes. Here are eight of the most effective.

The Boston Fern prefers a humid setting like a bathroom or conservatory. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
The Bamboo Palm is ideally suited to humid spaces. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
The Peace Lily is effective at removing VOCs emitted by synthetic materials and furniture. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
The Flamingo Lily is an air purifying plant at home in humid environments such as a bathroom. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
The Heartleaf Philodendron's VOC specialty is removing formaldehyde. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
Aloe Vera can purify the air of VOCs commonly found in varnishes and detergents. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
Dumb Canes thrive in areas of humidity and bright indirect light. Photo courtesy of Patch Plants
Spider Plants are great at filtering airborne toxins. Photo courtesy of Hortology

3 min read

Breathe Easy in Your Home All Year Round

Drawing on Harvard professor and healthy buildings expert Joseph G. Allen's research, it's crucial to understand how environmental pollution impacts the air quality inside our homes, emphasizing the need to reassess and improve the air we breathe indoors.