4 min read

Living Lightly: Copenhagen’s Lower-Carbon, Healthier Homes

Discover how the Living Places experimental prototypes led to housing that prioritizes wellbeing, community and sustainability.

Living Places designed by Copenhagen architecture firm EFFEKT in collaboration with Danish window manufacturer VELUX. Image courtesy of EFFEKT
Image courtesy of EFFEKT
Image courtesy of EFFEKT
Living Places is a group of seven prototype sustainable buildings with carbon footprints nearly three times lower than the average Danish single-family house. Photo courtesy of Adam Mork

“In the past, there has been a tendency to look at houses as either healthy, affordable or sustainable, but it is actually possible to achieve all three goals in the same building project."

Lone Feifer, VELUX Group

Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork
Photo courtesy of Adam Mork